Dec. 2003
UNIFORM CONSTRUCTION CODE UPDATE On Wednesday, October 22, the Governor�s Policy Office released the Uniform Construction Code regulations and the Department of Labor and Industry hand carried them to the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC). The PBA expects the IRRC to approve the regulations at its Thursday. November 20 meeting. If the regulations are approved, the anticipated dates are: $ January 17 - The regulation is published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. $ Mid April 2004 through mid July 2004, municipalities determination whether they will administer and enforce the Act. When each municipality notifies the Department of its decision, the Uniform Construction Code will take effect in that jurisdiction. For the latest on the Uniform Construction Code, visit the PBA website at WATER AND SEWER TAP-IN FEE UPDATE The PBA is still pushing for a floor vote on HB 51, the association�s tap-in fee legislation. Two new components are: 1. 90 gallons per day as the maximum standard for defining E.D.U.�s (equivalent dwelling units) 2.
Explicit powers for municipal authorities (they now have implicit
powers) to allow them with notice to access, inspect, and repair broken
water and sewer line laterals on property whenever needed. COMPUTER TIP Keep
your computer running smoothly by checking available hard drive space at
least once a year. If it�s
within 10% of full capacity, purge data or buy more hard drive space. (Source: Communications Briefings, Publishing Group, Alexandria, VA) INTELLECT �Some
people think only intellect counts; knowing how to solve problems, knowing
how to get by, knowing how to identify an advantage and seize it.
But the functions of intellect are insufficient without courage,
love, friendship, compassion and empathy.�
� Dean Koontz
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