Aug 2003
11, 2003: The monthly Board of Directors Meetings begins
at 6:30 PM at the Surf�n Turf Restaurant in Johnstown
is no general membership
KUDOS TO JIM AND CHUCK! Congratulations to Jim Bulhaly, on planning another successful family picnic. There were 576 tickets sold. Everyone had a great time and the chicken was great. Nice Job Jim! Way to go Chuck Bowser, on another great golf tournament. There were 72 players. Well planned and organized as usual Chuck.
UNIFORM CONSTRUCTION CODE TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION The Department of Labor and Industry�s final-form regulation detailing the training and certification requirements of the Uniform Construction Code was published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on April 13, 2002. The regulations took effect on July 12, 2002 and the Department has begun registering and certifying code officials. There are two sets of regulations. The first set establishes requirements for the training and certification code officials. The second set regulation provides administrative and enforcement provisions, and elevator and other lifting device standards. Note, the second set requires approval of the IRRC, the General Assembly and the Attorney General. For more information on the certification requirements visit the PBA web site at and click on �Uniform Consturction Code Implementation Update�. For code training opportunities visit the Pennsylvania Code Training Consortium (CTC) at or call the PA Construction Codes Academy at 1-888-223-6837 or visit the International Code Council at and click on �Professional Development�.
6:30 p.m. at Windber American Legion
6:30 p.m. at Surf'N Turf